Saturday, December 13, 2008

Temple Square

We have had one of the BEST weekends in a long time! To start, Wednesday night, Chris's sister and her husband were able to go to the Logan temple and recieve their endowments. What a great blessing for them. This is something she has wanted for a long time and we are so HAPPY to see this happen for them! Then on Friday, Chris and I traveled to Salt Lake to watch them along with their three kids be sealed as a family! It was great! The kids just glowed as they come into the sealing room!
Meanwhile, my kids have an AWESOME Grandma and Grandpa! Before Chris and I left for Salt Lake, we dropped Shar and Ken off with them. They took the girls to Layton shopping and then made their way to Salt Lake to be with us. We all stayed in the Plaza Hotel. That was nice, cuz we were right across from the temple so we could walk and not have to drive and fight traffic! ( I say this, cuz Chris REFUSES to drive in Salt Lake, so I do all the driving!)
At dinner time, Chris and I again left and went to dinner with the "wedding party" at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The dinner was really good, and the company was even better! Grandma and Grandpa, again, took the kids and they all went to dinner. After this, we met up and headed up to the "This is the Place Heritage Park." There is a festival going on up there to celebrate "Christmas in a simpler time." We were able to go into most of the homes and see what they were like. There was old time crafts for the kids to do, puppet shows, stories being told, hoe downs in the school house (in which Sharlee was asked to dance by a gentleman and he even kissed her hand at the end of the dance! She was soo embarrassed!), and best of all, there was a Live Nativity. As we walked down the path to the stable, there was a shepherd by a fire that told us if we followed the star, we would find the baby. It was so humbling to walk into the stable with the live goats and sheep and have Joseph and Mary and the Baby Jesus sitting amongst them. I didn't even feel right taking a picture! Meanwhile, there were carolers just outside the stable singing Away In A Manger. It was awesome! There was also a train that we hopped on and rode around the park. It dropped us off at the Brigham Young home where Saint Christmas was waiting! We all had our picture taken with him and Kenlyn sat on his lap. We had a great time.
On Saturday morning, Mom, Chris and I, Chris's Mom and sister and brother-in-law, all got up early and we went to the temple to do a session. (And of course, Dad took my girls and the two nieces and one nephew to breakfast! ) Chris has never done a session in the Salt Lake Temple, so he was excited! We had a really nice time. Chris said it meant a lot more to see everything being portrayed "Live". He can't wait to be able to go back and do another session!
The crazy part of the whole trip was driving home in the snow storm! Why don't they put heaters in the roads????


RSHORSES said...

Sounds like it was very special time. They looked beautiful. It seems like you all a fun time.

About Us said...

What an awesome weekend! I'm so happy for Travis and Karen! I love the Salt Lake Temple, it's always fun to see a live session. And what a wonerful time of year to be at the temple grounds:)I love the pics. w/ the temple behind.